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Showing posts from June, 2018

Week 2 Review: By Maximilian Biger

There are huge mountains of dirt in my school playground. They made moats around it. They were making a huge sidewalk and poles with orange suction cups are sticking out of it.

Observations from a going-to-be 3rd Grader: Gwyn Brown

" Today I went to Horace Mann.  They were not working on the building at the time.  I think they were not working on it because of the weather.  First I walked up to the building. First thing I noticed was the building was the same.  And there were lots of machines.  The stairs and the sidewalk were gone.  The trees were also gone.  So was the playground.  Same for the bench and the table.  The Funnel Ball was gone.  And the gates were locked.  I felt sad because so much changed. Gwyn Brown, 6/14/2018"

Busy Week, Noisy Week. Photo Log By Matthieu Biger

Goodbye Trees: by Julian (with video!)

There are a lot of workers taking down trees. Lots of machines.

Good-bye playground: By Maximilian Biger

On Sunday I saw there were workers, they were taking down the playground. They were using drills. They were taking it down piece by piece.

Week 1: By Maximilian Biger

I saw they were taking out all the things in the school.  They were loading the objects into big trucks.  I saw bookcases, desks, and chairs. I think I saw Mrs. Cabrera's chair!  Big trucks were brought to the parking lot.  I think there is an excavator and a front loader and more excavators. They put up fencing around the project.   All photos, but this one with Max in it, taken by Max.